Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. Yoga is 5,000-year-old system purely originated in India, which aims to transform both body and mind and is very much relevant even today. Yoga is a comprehensive methodology evolved by the ancient seers, which embodies physical, psychological, moral and spiritual dimensions of human life. Yoga is an advanced science with the strength of rigorous theoretical frame work supported by scientifically proved practical techniques.
Yoga is a scientific system that fosters healthy development of the physique and balanced development of the psyche. Yoga helps in promoting positive health, prevention of stress related health problems and rehabilitation. It also gives an integral approach to common ailments. Yoga also sharpens one’s mental faculties improving attention and concentration. Its miraculous benefits for health, concentration, will power, stress management, personality development, human values, interpersonal relations and spiritual evolution are being highly appreciated now all sections of the society all over the world
In this regard, we should like to bring to your kind notice that on 11th Dec 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21st June as the International Yoga Day. The declaration came after the call for the adoption of 21st June as International Yoga Day by Honorable Indian Prime Minister, Sri. Narendra Modi during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014. It indicates the global recognition and importance of Yoga. There is huge demand for qualified Yoga Teachers. Due to a dearth of experienced and professionally qualified yoga teachers, there is a necessity for Professional Training Institutes and Courses.
Increasing Need for Qualified Yoga Teachers:
Due to recent advances in Science and Technology, the lifestyles of the modern people have drastically changed to such an alarming extent that, this very lifestyle being adopted is leading to innumerable health problems, mental stresses and strains, family problems and social tensions and pressures. We are happy to note that, State Council of Educational Research & Training, UGC, AICTE, and other such National bodies have made Yoga training mandatory in higher educational institutions.
Today Yoga is being accepted as a system of Complimentary Alternative Medicine and as a Lifestyle Management Program. As a result, there is lot of demand in the society to learn yoga. This demand has further increased due to the recent awareness created due to the celebration of the first International Day of Yoga, 2015. However, the professionally qualified teachers available are very few. Therefore, there is an urgent need for Yoga Teacher Training courses and institutes all over India.